In the back room at the Mary Boone Gallery in Chelsea, a Norman Foster glass and steel table struggles to keep up with the streamlined efficiency and grace of its occupant: a svelte, always impeccably attired gentleman who demurely works away with elegance and diligence. This is Ron Warren. First time visitors sometimes wonder if, rather than a gallerist doing his work, this is not, in actual fact, performance art. To clients and press people, however, Ron is the exemplary gallery worker—helpful, informative, and in a quiet, respectful and unobtrusive way, passionate about the artists he is looking after. In the spirit of Labor Day, Mary Boone Gallery is honoring a quarter century of his service with a show, 25 for 25: A Tribute to Ron Warren, 12 September to 24 October 2009. The artists on view are to be Richard Artschwager, Jean Michel Basquiat, Ross Bleckner, Francesco Clemente, Will Cotton, Inka Essenhigh, Eric Fischl, Peter Halley, Hilary Harkness, Jim Hodges, Roni Horn, Terence Koh, Jeff Koons, Barbara Kruger, Barry Le Va, Sherrie Levine, Adam Mc Ewen, Aleksandra Mir, Jack Pierson, Marc Quinn, David Salle, Julian Schnabel, Keith Sonnier, Philip Taaffe, and Richard Tuttle.