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Monday, March 1st, 2010

Lisa Abbott-Canfield at Jason Rulnick

Lisa Abbot Canfield, Untitled 2008-10. Oil on canvas, 24 x 24 inches, on view from Friday at the artist’s second solo show at Jason Rulnick, Inc. 230 Fifth Avenue, Suite 809, at Madison Square.
Lisa Abbot-Canfield, Untitled 2008-10. Oil on canvas, 24 x 24 inches, on view from Friday at the artist’s second solo show at Jason Rulnick, Inc. 230 Fifth Avenue, Suite 809, at Madison Square.

On view from Friday at the artist’s second solo show at Jason Rulnick, Inc. 230 Fifth Avenue, Suite 809, at Madison Square.

Abbott-Canfield’s purist aesthetic is marked in equal measure by rigor and directness. Her irregular geometric shapes seem lovingly intuited while her surfaces and edges are clean though insistently hand-made.  Her stark color choices impart a sense of having been independently arrived at in each image rather than being an across the board reductive decision.

This was an artcritical PIC in March 2010.
