Jack Whitten at Alexander Gray Associates
526 West 26th Street #215. 212 399 2636. www.alexandergray.com
Greg Drasler: On the Lam at Betty Cuningham
541 West 25th Street. 212 242 2772. www.bettycuninghamgallery.com
reviewed by David Cohen (capsule reviews)
William Anastasi/N. Dash at Nicole Klagsbrun
526 West 26th Street. 212 243 3335 www.nicoleklagsbrun.com
Ronnie Landfield: New Paintings at Stephen Haller Gallery
542 West 26th Street. 212 741 7777 www.stephenhallergallery.com
reviewed by David Cohen (exhibitions)
Will Barnet: Small Works on Paper from the 1950s at Alexandre Gallery
41 East 57th Street. 212 755 2828 www.alexandregallery.com
Anthony Goicolea: Pathetic Fallacy at Postmasters
459 West 19th Street. 212 727 3323 www.postmastersart.com
Was discussed at The Review Panel, September 30
Gabriel Orozco at Marian Goodman Gallery
24 West 57th Street. 212 977 7160. www.mariangoodman.com
reviewed by Jonathan Goodman (exhibitions)

Tine Lundsfryd: Recent Paintings at Lori Bookstein Fine Art
138 10th Avenue. 212 750 0949. www.loribooksteinfineart.com
Vincent Desiderio: Recent Paintings at Marlborough
545 West 25th Street. 212 463 8634. www.marlboroughgallery.com
Ad Reinhardt: Works from 1935-1945 at Pace Gallery
32 East 57th Street. 212 421 3292, www.thepacegallery.com
Lyonel Feininger: At the Edge of the World at Whitney Museum
945 Madison Avenue. 212 570 3600 www.whitney.org
Loren Munk: Location Location Location at Lesley Heller Workspace
54 Orchard Street. 212 410 6120 www.lesleyheller.com
reviewed by Greg Lindquist (exhibitions)