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Friday, July 6th, 2012

Pride, Timely and Otherwise

It is never too late to show a little pride.  But as a “periodical” prides itself on timeliness, so a small apology is due to our gay and homophile readers for the fact that our line up this July 4th weekend is picture perfect for Pride Weekend, celebrated in New York several weeks ago now.

A cover filled with pride: artcritical, July 4, 2012
A cover filled with pride: artcritical, July 4, 2012

The titles say it all: “Beyond the Studio and Out of the Closet”, “Out of the Gallery and Into the Streets.”  These are reviews of two shows closing this weekend: David Cohen on a groundbreaking documentary/photo exhibit at the Leslie + Lohman Museum of Gay and Lesbian Art: The Piers: Art and Sex along the New York Waterfront, and Maddie Phinney’s take on the Brooklyn Museum’s Keith Haring: 1978-1982.

The ARTCRITICAL PICK, not chosen with anyone’s sexual preference in mind, features a work by Robert Bordo from the group show, The Big Picture, at Sikkema Jenkins, while the lead story, as this Welcome note is penned, is of Lucio Fontana (Nora Griffin’s review of Gagosian’s recent survey of that artist’s spatial environments) that happens to grace our cover in an expanse of gorgeous pink.

So much for belated pride, now for some that is, perhaps, premature: the 2012/13 season of The Review Panel, which is rapidly taking shape.  Confirmed guests already include Ariella Budick, Marjorie Welish, Nora Griffin, Phoebe Hoban, Donald Kuspit, Christian Viveros-Faune, Paddy Johnson, Patricia Milder, Eva Diaz, John Yau, Elisabeth Kley, Hearne Pardee, Martha Schwendener, Jonathan Goodman, Ken Johnson and Chloé Rossetti. The kick off date for the season is Friday, September 28.  The podcast of our last season finale, with guests Lance Esplund, Maddie Phinney and Barry Schwabsky, has in the meantime been posted.

And pride very much in the present in several new writers to our pages.  Lawrence Osgood, who reviews Judith Murray’s recent show at Sundaram Tagore; Phoebe Hoban, covering Chantal Joffe at Cheim & Read and comparing the young British painter with Alice Neel, the subject of her own acclaimed biography; and in our ongoing series of recipes contributed by writers, curators and artists, Rebecca Smith, offering a delicious (the editor has sampled it!) cherry cobbler and invaluable reminiscences of growing up with sculptor father David Smith in the kitchen.
