Panel Discussion
Girls Just Want To Have Funds: Women and the (In)Equality of the Art Market
6.30-9pm at La Mama Galleria,
6 East 1st Street, between Bowery and 2nd Avenue
party, drinks, Vietnamese rolls, $20 at the door is proud to announce that it is the official media sponsor for the Rema Hort Mann Foundation’s panel discussion, Girls Just Want To Have Funds. Moderated by the foundation’s director, Quang Bao, the provocatively/wittily titled event seeks to open up debate on an issue that just doesn’t want to go away: why women artists aren’t getting their share of the cake when it comes to commercial, institutional and media success.

This perennial debate is made the more topical by the recent storm over remarks by Ken Johnson, the New York Times critic, who questioned whether female marginalization had anything to do with “the nature of the art that women tend to make.”
Confirmed speakers for the January 15, 2013 panel, which takes places at La Mama Galleria in NoHo, include Janine Antoni, Jennifer Dalton, Alexandra Grant and Linda Sormin. The event is also sponsored by Studio Zürcher on Bleecker Street (where the event was originally scheduled to take place).
The panel is also to be a celebration preview of works donated to the Rema Hort Mann Foundations’ May benefit. The foundation was founded in 1995 by family and friends of Rema who were determined to honor the creative spirit of a woman who died of cancer aged 30, and has since collected and sponsored a phenomenal array of emerging talents – including in their breakout years the likes of Danica Phelps, Laylah Ali, Mikalene Thomas, Lane Twitchell, Sarah Sze and Dana Shutz – along with its work in cancer.
In what’s now a tradition for the foundation, all the donating artists are women. This year’s pickings include Alison Blickle, panelist Alexandra Grant, Franziska Klotz, Alex Olson, Karen Seapker, Claire Sherman, and Lara Schnitger.
Of course, giving is something women are used to doing on their own.