Chantal Akerman To Give Free Reading at The Kitchen: Thursday, April 11 at 7 PM

Photo Courtesy of the Artist
On the eve of Chantal Akerman’s solo exhibition of new video works at The Kitchen, the Belgian avant-garde filmmaker will read from a new autobiographical text, My Mother Laughs. The story is centered around the artist’s aging mother, and promises to be a distillation of the major themes of her career: memory, family, and the complexities of narrative. Akerman’s most recent film is Almayer’s Folly (2011) based on the Joseph Conrad novel of the same title.
Chantal Akerman: Maniac Shadows, curated by Tim Griffin and Lumi Tan, opens on Friday, April 12, and will be on view until May 11, 2013
The Kitchen is located at 512 West 19 Street, New York, NY 10011
(212) 255-5793