artworld ▶ Newsdesk
Wednesday, September 25th, 2013

From the Horse’s Mouth: Artists on their art this season in New York

Garth Evans, Bears Ear (Auricula), 1985-87. Epoxy resin, fiberglass, paint over foam core, 16 x 31 x 20 inches. Courtesy of Vogt Gallery
Garth Evans, Bears Ear (Auricula), 1985-87. Epoxy resin, fiberglass, paint over foam core, 16 x 31 x 20 inches. Courtesy of Vogt Gallery

Lectureland is truly under way in New York City in museums, galleries and art schools and college departments as the academic year plays catch up with the Fall art season.’s LECTURES/PANELS/EVENTS column in our extensive listings department remains the most comprehensive place to keep track of them all.

And of particular significance to gallerygoers is any chance to hear directly from makers: “From the horse’s mouth” as the saying goes.

Last week at Vogt Gallery, for instance, British-born sculptor Garth Evans launched the first comprehensive monograph on his work, “Garth Evans Sculpture: Beneath the Skin,” in his show at that gallery.  The book, edited by Ann Compton with contributions from various hands, include a thoughtful and obviously very personal set of observations by the artist’s wife, Leila Philip, is published by PWP with assistance from the Henry Moore Foundation.  Evans will be in conversation this evening, from 6.30pm, with artcritical Publisher/Editor David Cohen.  (525 West 26th Street, Suite 205.) [ARTICLE UPDATED]

Pratt Institute’s Visiting Lecture Series kicked off September 30 with maverick provocateur Tom Sachs on his work.  Other speakers in this series this fall on the Brooklyn campus are Aura Satz (October 7), Leigh Ledar (November 18), and Judith Bernstein (December 9).  (7PM Memorial Hall, 200 Willoughby Avenue.)

And the New York Studio School Evening Lecture Series opened Tuesday, October 1, with a conversation between Svetlana Alpers and Alexi Worth in a discussion focused on Alper’s new book, on the art historian’s new adventures in seeing the world since moving to New York City, titled “Roof Life.”  The next day sculptor Alain Kirili discusses Matisse’s sacred work at Saint-Paul de Vence in southern France and his own forays into the theme of crucifixion with Father Paul Anel, a priest whose special devotion to art was expressed through his celebrating his first mass in the Matisse chapel. Other artists speaking this season at the School include Louise Fishman (October 8), Lisa Yuskavage (in conversation with Phong Bui, October 15), Hilary Harkness (November 5), Paul Resika (in conversation with Jennifer Samet, November 12), Robert Taplin (December 3) and Tina Barney (December 10).  (8 West 8 Street at 6.30PM).

Tom Sachs. Courtesy of Freshness Magazine
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A recent sculpture by Alain Kirili who will discuss the them of crucifixion in his own work and the work of Matisse with Father Paul Anel at the New York Studio School on October 2, 2013
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