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Thursday, June 2nd, 2016

Sean Scully at Cheim and Read (Ridgewood)

Sean Scully: Circa 70 at Cheim & Read Ridgewood

Sean Scully, Grid, 1973. Acrylic on canvas, 96 x 96 inches. Courtesy of the artist and Cheim & Read
Sean Scully, Grid, 1973. Acrylic on canvas, 96 x 96 inches. Courtesy of the artist and Cheim & Read

Balancing discipline and emotion, Sean Sully’s paintings from the early 1970s exude a curious mixture of formal consideration and felt observation. Grid (1973), for instance, strikes a note of homey quirkiness with its layers of pattern superimposed within the eponymous hard-edged structure, a bit like the patches held together by a beloved pair of jeans. Seeing works from the outset of Scully’s career in a renovated warehouse in a humble corner of Queens – Cheim & Read’s outer-borough new venture – inevitably makes us connect with the collective energy of the massed hipsters at work nearby.

May 20 to July 1, 2016
16-13 Stephen Street, Queens, NY –
