featuresStudio visits
Friday, July 19th, 2019

Invader of Space: Leonardo Drew on his Madison Square Park commission and debut show at Galerie Lelong

Installation shot of Leonardo Drew's City in the Grass at Madison Square Park. Photo by Rashmi Gill
Installation shot of Leonardo Drew’s City in the Grass at Madison Square Park. Photo by Rashmi Gill

Three summers ago, a precocious Bronx Science high school Sophomore, Oona Zlamany, interviewed Leonardo Drew in his Brooklyn studio on video for artcritical. Zlamany was able to draw on familiarity with the artist as she had grown up with him as a close family friend. Now an undergraduate at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia, our interviewer has shed some puppy fat but little of her youthful verve, and Drew gives as good as he gets, explaining the motives and working practices underlining both his Madison Square Park commission, where the interview takes place, and his current spectacular solo exhibition at Galerie Lelong, his debut with that Chelsea venue. In acknowledgement of the 2016 exchange, this interview is billed by Zlamany as “Part Two”.


Leonardo Drew: City in the Grass at Madison Square Park, June 3 to December 15, 2019
Leonardo Drew at Galerie Lelong, May 16 to August 2, 2019

Oona Zlamany Calls on Leonardo Drew (June 2016)
