Seventeen artists, “quarantined in Williamsburg and developing cabin fever,” according to their press release, responded to a group chat instigated by one of their number, Brenda Zlamany, that buoyed them along through lockdown. This show is an offshoot of their collective energy and remains on view weekends, in a commercial space that’s on the rental market in the building of participants James Esber and Jane Fine. The show is dedicated to Matt Freedman, one of the crew, who died of cancer last month. Besides Zlamany, Freedman, Esber and Fine the artists on view are Jude Tallichet, Laura Newman, Linda Nagaoka, Wendy Klemperer, Kurt Hoffman, Jen Hitchings, Chuck Hagen, Tim Spelios (in a collaboration with Freedman), Carolyn Cox, Ron Baron, Mike Ballou, Joe Amrhein, and David Brody, whose tribute to Freedman tops a review of the artist retrieved from our archives. Pictured here: sculpture by Matt Freedman
179 Grand Street, (ground floor) between Bedford and Driggs, Brooklyn. Appointments: Jane Fine at 646-250-4908 or