Deborah Garwood
Featured Articles by Deborah Garwood

More Articles by Deborah Garwood

A Process That Takes Place In The Mind: Ellsworth Kelly’s Photographs
on view at Matthew Marks through April 30

Resplendent: Judith Simonian at Edward Thorp
“She demonstrates a genius for color, texture, and the exploration of spatial conundrums”

James Welling: Flow at David Zwirner
This show was featured in our October 2012 Listings

In & Out of Amsterdam at the Museum of Modern Art
As these mercurial installations, films, and performances indicate, Conceptual art often yielded works of great elegance in novel forms of presentation.

A film review from 2009 coincides with the artist’s show at Hionas Gallery

Proust/Warhol by David Carrier
Marcel Proust begins his novel In Search of Lost Time with a famously long passage in which the Narrator describes sleep, or more properly, the antics of his imagination, while semi-conscious. When I read this passage for the first time, the image that most struck me was that of the Narrator sitting in an armchair reading … Continued

The Theatre of the Face: Portrait Photography Since 1900 by Max Kozloff
Published by Phaidon Press, 2007, 336 pages, 280 black & white photographs, 70 color photographs $69.95 When the findings of history, a discussion of uses and the reconstruction of story blend with criticism, portrait content, I hope, is enlivened. Still, the narratives within it keep on turning, like the expressions on faces, themselves… (p. … Continued