James Rosenthal
More Articles by James Rosenthal

Jörg Immendorff: I Wanted to be an Artist
Golden Paley Galleries at Moore College of Art and Design 20th Street and The Parkway Philadelphia, PA 19103 215 568 4515 23 January – 21 March This expert survey of Jörg Immendorff’s career reassesses an artist whose period of notoriety in America lasted a relatively short time in the 1980’s. This was partly a matter … Continued
Triennial of Contemporary Photography
Woodmere Art Museum 9201 Germantown Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19118 Corner of Germantown Avenue and Bells Mill Road in Chestnut Hill 215.247.0476 As the first in a projected series at the Woodmere Art Museum, the Triennial of Contemporary Photography is not only an attempt to showcase the diverse currents in photography in the Delaware Valley, but … Continued

On the Wall: Wallpaper and Tableau
Fabric Workshop and Museum, Philadelphia May 9 to September 13, 2003 Victorian wallpaper was used as a status symbol along with other tasteful furnishings by the burgeoning bourgeoisie of the 19th century. Densely packed and richly colored, its heyday coincided with the apex of mechanical reproduction. Oddly enough, this “machine-made” quality is what English designers … Continued