Monday, May 7th, 2018
Lara Schnitger’s Suffragette City at Frieze
Lara Schnitger’s Suffragette City is a protest/procession in which volunteers carry hand-crafted banners and ornate textiles fastened to wooden sticks. This stylized political event moves around Frieze in four timed performances, with the last one scheduled for Saturday at 3pm. Thursday’s, photographed her, included around a dozen individuals, most of them women, either clothed in navy-blue mechanics’ … Continued

Saturday, May 5th, 2018
Short Report from Frieze: Hudson “FYI” and Cameron in “Spotlight”
Cameron was known equally as a painter, actress and witch.

Saturday, May 5th, 2018
Yanjun Cheng at Superfine, The Miaz Brothers at Art New York
Two art fair picks from our Brooklyn listings editor