artworld ▶ Miami 2018
Works by Purvis Young on view at the Rubell Family Collection, Miami.
Monday, December 10th, 2018

Miami 2018: Purvis Young at the Rubell Family Collection

A street artist moved by the tragedies of his time

Tiffany Chung, reconstructing an exodus history: boat trajectories, ports of first asylum and resettlement countries, 2017. Embroidery on fabric, 55 x 137 ¾ inches. Courtesy of the artist and Tyler
Sunday, December 9th, 2018

Art Basel Miami Beach: Survey, Positions, Nova

Amidst a tremendous amount of great art on display at  Art Basel Miami Beach this year, three curated sections threw up new discoveries and mined historical blind spots. In Survey, 16 historical projects presented individual artists across a spectrum of cultures, generations and approaches. Hackett Mill, a gallery from San Francisco, showed terrific late paintings … Continued

Performance of Inner Course: The Agony of It All, curated by Laura Dvorkin, at The Bunker Artspace, on December 2. Courtesy of the Beth Rudin DeWoody Collection.
Saturday, December 8th, 2018

Rya Kleinpeter and Tora Lopez at the Bunker Artspace

The two role-play Lucille Ball at Beth Rudin deWoody’s space

A painting by David Bade, courtesy of Annelien Kers Gallery, Amsterdam. Details to follow
Friday, December 7th, 2018

Scope Miami Beach 2018: David Bade at Annelien Kers

My first stop on the Miami art trail this year was the Scope Art Show. Booths felt cramped and the aisles were far too narrow, making it difficult to step far back enough to see the art on display. There was also too much posturing on politics, rather than thoughtful critique. Most of it —unluckily … Continued

Judy Chicago
Wednesday, December 5th, 2018

Judy Chicago at the ICA

First report by Sharmistha Ray from Miami during Art Basel week