Storied Stories: The Elizabeth Foundation for the Arts
Open studios through Saturday of 76 artists on six floors, plus the Robert Blackburn Printmakers Worship

Lecture Season Hots Up: Jeanne Silverthorne, Marilyn McCully
For full details of venues and times visit artcritical’s listings of lectures/panels/events

Lecture Season launches with Kara Walker at Pratt
artcritical details talks, panels, presentations at New York’s schools and museums

Fueling the Pop-Up Phenomenon: Chelsea’s newest venue is the Lukoil Gas Station
art among the rows of candy and snacks, opens September 15

September 30: Carly Berwick, Ellie Bronson, David Cohen and Ken Johnson discuss Goicolea, Erlich, Katz and Steinbach

The Review Panel: September 30 Launch of Eighth Annual Season
Carly Berwick, Ellie Bronson and Peter Plagens will be David Cohen’s guests

In the Spirit of a World Fair, but Greener: The New Museum’s Festival of Ideas for the New City
A Conference, a StreetFest and multiple happenings, May 4 to 8

Spring Chickens: The MFA Thesis Show Season Is Underway
Exhibition details for programs across the metropolis.

Gold Star for Sculpture: ISC honors Frank Stella
Lifetime Achievement Award at International Sculpture Center’s NY gala, Tuesday, April 26

Pulitzer won by Boston Globe Art Critic Sebastian Smee
Only the third art critic to pick up this prestigious prize.