Saturday, November 15th, 2014

ARTCRITICAL PICK: “Social Photography IV” by Carriage Trade Gallery at the Emily Harvey Foundation


The fourth installment in their annual fundraiser and salon show, Carriage Trade’s “Social Photography” features cell-phone photos and screencaps by more than 100 artists, including some established eminences such as Dan Graham, Walton Ford, B. Wurtz, and INVISIBLE EXPORTS, as well as emerging artists and even artcritical contributors and colleagues: among them Walter Robinson, Lindsay Comstock, and Peter Scott, who organized the show. Each artist has submitted one photograph taken with their phone, printed in an edition of five, and displayed together in two large grids according to similarities of form and parallels in their content. The entire matrix forms a broad index of contemporary life and photography from disparate and sometimes bizarre particles, now lifted and repurposed for new contexts and ideas. It’s funny, too, how photos of the subway and the ground at our feet tell us a lot about how we experience the world socially.  NOAH DILLON

Catherine Belloy, One Too Many, 2014. Digital inkjet print on paper, 6 x 4 inches. Courtesy of the artist and Carriage Trade.


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