A Turn in Sri Lanka
Religion is a natural subject with Sri Lankan artists. “I am a Tamil and was a Hindu but now I am a Christian”, said one.” I am a Buddhist but I pray to the Virgin Mary”, said another. “I was informed that you were a Buddhist monk,” I mentioned to an artist, “is this true?” … Continued

Tom Otterness in Beverly Hills
Beverly Hills City Hall 450 N. Crescent Dr. Beverly Hills, Ca. 90210 (310) 550-4796 November 15, 2005 – April 30, 2006 Tom Otterness apparently heard that people like money in Beverly Hills. Indeed, his eight sculptures on display on the west lawn of Beverly Hills City Hall tell a story about entrepreneurship, American justice, and … Continued

Jörg Immendorff: I Wanted to be an Artist
Golden Paley Galleries at Moore College of Art and Design 20th Street and The Parkway Philadelphia, PA 19103 215 568 4515 23 January – 21 March This expert survey of Jörg Immendorff’s career reassesses an artist whose period of notoriety in America lasted a relatively short time in the 1980’s. This was partly a matter … Continued

Polly Apfelbaum
Contemporary Arts Center, Cincinnati 44 East 6th Street, Cincinnati, Ohio 513 345 8400 6 December 2003 to 29 February 2004 The “feminine” used to be equated with fragility, delicacy, and quiet refinement. Polly Apfelbaum’s works are all of these things while also revealing the artist’s capacity to subvert such equations and redefine “women’s work.” Her … Continued
Triennial of Contemporary Photography
Woodmere Art Museum 9201 Germantown Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19118 Corner of Germantown Avenue and Bells Mill Road in Chestnut Hill 215.247.0476 As the first in a projected series at the Woodmere Art Museum, the Triennial of Contemporary Photography is not only an attempt to showcase the diverse currents in photography in the Delaware Valley, but … Continued
David Ben White
No. 12 is an unoccupied Tel Aviv penthouse, still filled with the rich lives of its past owners – Sarah, a Berlin-trained psychiatrist, born nearly 100 years ago in Palestine, and her flamboyant husband Bandi, who designed the building. The flat is as it was left, with its fine books, grand piano, paintings by Bandi … Continued

On the Wall: Wallpaper and Tableau
Fabric Workshop and Museum, Philadelphia May 9 to September 13, 2003 Victorian wallpaper was used as a status symbol along with other tasteful furnishings by the burgeoning bourgeoisie of the 19th century. Densely packed and richly colored, its heyday coincided with the apex of mechanical reproduction. Oddly enough, this “machine-made” quality is what English designers … Continued

Warren Rohrer: Paintings 1972-1993
Philadelphia Museum of Art June 22 – August 17, 2003 Rohrer was a native of Pennsylvania; significantly a native of Lancaster County, where he was raised in a Mennonite farming community. He was supposed to become a minister and a farmer. The Mennonite community is a separatist Christian group which emigrated from Europe and settled … Continued

Greetings from Ohio. . .Wish You Were Here!
When I decided to leave New York City for the flatlands of central Ohio, my friends and acquaintances wondered if I had lost my head. “Why,” they asked, “would you leave New York City if you want to write about art?” As if no good art worth writing about existed outside Manhattan. Why Ohio? Other … Continued