Heroic Fantasy: Yeshaiahu Rabinowitz at Hansen House
The Israeli sculptor and video artist contends with physical manifestations of war and trauma.

Subjective Contexts: Thomas Ruff at AGO
Process and history are manipulated and explored through Ruff’s use of found photographs.

Space is the Central Fact: The Beats at the Centre Pompidou
“There’s an appealing narrative, with a French inflection, to this voyage of marginalized individuals”

The Boxer: Judy Chicago Retrospective in Bordeaux, France
“This Olympian of feminist art sprints toward fire”.

The World Outside: “Landscapes” at Marlborough Chelsea
An exhibition wonders at how landscape painting has changed to address the contemporary world.

In the Spaces of Memory, Geometries of Place: Steven MacIver at Dillon Gallery
The painter creates abstractions based on the coast of his home.

Death and Resurrection in the City: Tim Portlock at Locks Gallery
An exhibition of video and prints exploring landscapes of an apocalyptic future built on the present.

Fully Fathoming Louise Fishman: Two Surveys of Her Work
The artist’s paintings and drawings are now on view in Philadelphia PA and Purchase NY.

Making Glorious Something Slight: Paul Lee at Maccarone, Los Angeles
Lee’s abstract sculpture and painting reveal technological, social, and art historical allusions.

Guns, Guerrillas, Music Videos: The Propeller Group at the MCA Chicago and James Cohan
Two recent shows of new work by the Propeller Group.